Welcome to the Heriot Community Website
This is the community website for the village of Heriot. Heriot is a rural community of approximately 160 properties located in the Eildon area of the Scottish Borders.
Community Council Meetings
The next meeting of HCC will be held on Wednesday 13th February at 7:00pm. This meeting will be held online. Apply to john@crookston.myzen.co.uk for link to join
Download the minutes for November 20th 2024
Heriot News
Regular news items, including road closures, and local events are posted to the Heriot Community Council facebook page.
Email List
Heriot Community Council occasionally sends out emails regarding council business such as agendas and minutes of meetings. Should you wish to receive these, please send an email request to the secretary at secretary@heriot.info with your email address and name. Also, please inform the secretary of any changes to your email, if you wish to stop receiving emails or if you do not receive expected emails. We try to keep the list current and remove emails that fail. The data collected is only used to send out emails from HCC.
Local News and Events
Heriot Mill woodland
There is a consultation open until 31 October 2024 for woodland planting in three areas north of the B709 between Borthwick and Carcant. The largest section near to Carcant wind farm. To comment on the application please go to the Scottish Forestry website and follow the link View the Register.
Forestry Grant Scheme: 24FGS80039
Case Title: Heriot Mill Woodland Creation
Business Name: GH Forest Growth & Sustainability LP
Shoestanes woodland
The property and land surrounding Shoestanes Farm, next to Heriot Station, has been purchased by new owners in 2024. The landowners have employed EJD Forestry to prepare a proposal for the creation of a woodland. Below are links to the documentation that has been sent out to local residents.
Heriot bonfire and fireworks night
The bonfire and fireworks will be on Saturday 9th November at the Williams field. Wood will be collected to build the bonfire the week before.
Wind Farm Applications and Appeals
The map linked to below shows the position and heights of the existing wind turbines and previous proposals for Wull Muir and Greystone Knowe in similar positions to current options.
Map of Wind Turbines around the Heriot area.
Greystone Knowe Wind Farm
On Monday, January 27th 2025, the Public Local Inquiry will be considering the Appeal by the developers of the Greystone Knowe wind farm. It will be held in the Macfie Hall. This wind farm application was turned down by the Scottish Borders Council Planning Committee, which triggered this Inquiry.
The proceedings are completely open to the public. All the papers are lodged on the DPEA web site, and can be found using the Ref WIN-140-9. Many of the papers will also be physically available for inspection during the Inquiry.
On Monday and Tuesday 27/28th there will be examination of the Landscape and Visual Impacts. Monday starts at 10am and Tuesday at 9.30am and concludes no later than 5pm. Lunch break between 12pm and 1pm. This was the issue that triggered the Inquiry.
On Wednesday 29th, at 9.30am, it will be Planning and Energy Policy all day. In the evening, between 7pm to 9pm, there will be a Community Session, when local volunteers will give their evidence and join a discussion with the Reporter. This session is being held to allow local people to have their say – but it can only include those who have come already forward and submitted their evidence in writing through Heriot CC to the Inquiry.
On Thursday 30th, at 9.30am, there will be a session on Planning Conditions. In the afternoon at 2pm there will be a session on the noise created by the turbines. That should then be the end of the Inquiry.
See full details about Greystone Knowe Wind Farm
Wull Muir Wind Farm
The Wull Muir Wind Farm went to appeal after it was declined by the SBC planning committee.
The Reporter decision on 14th January 2025 is to allow the appeal and grant planning permission.
Open full text of the Reporter decision 14th January 2025.
See full details about Wull Muir Wind Farm appliocation of 2022
Heriot Plan
The community council has produced a draft version for a Heriot plan, containing background information about the Heriot community and location, with suggestions for how Heriot would like to develop in the future. This is for submitting into the next Eildon Area plan of the Scottish Borders Council.
Comments and suggestions for changes or additions to the plan are welcome.